Michelle Newton Smith Award Recipient - Tucker Dempsey - Dover, Del
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The prestigious Michelle Newton-Smith Award for an Emergency Medical Services worker went to Tucker Dempsey III, of the Middletown Volunteer Hose Company.
Frank Bailey, Chief of the Volunteer Hose Company of Middletown called Mr. Dempsey’s actions deserving of the meritorious award. “A man had been cutting a block wall with a saw, when it kicked back, causing several large lacerations to his neck and cutting his carotid artery,” Chief Bailey said. “Tucker immediately applied pressure to the wound, and got the man ready for helicopter transport to the hospital, riding with him and continuing to treat him en-route.
Tucker’s quick thinking and knowledge played a major part in this patients’ survival, and the man recovered and is back working as a mason again.”