Charles was a member of the Carlisle Fire Company.
Charles E. Varney was an organizer, charter member and first President of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association. He was a native of Longmont, Colorado, but was a long-time resident of Milford, Delaware. Mr. Varney was a civic leader, administrator at Milford Memorial Hospital and had previously owned the Milford Ice and Coal Company. Mr. Varney served as President of the Carlisle Fire Company, was a charter member and past president of the Milford Rotary Club and was the Sergeant-At-Arms, steward and music director of the club until his death. A 32nd degree Mason, Varney was a member of the Temple Lodge #9, A.F & A.M. of Milford and the Delaware Consistory. Mr. Varney was a former member and past president of the Middle Atlantic States Board of Hospital Administrators and past president of the Milford Light and Power Board. A member of the Avenue Methodist Church, Mr. Varney was at one time the choir director for the church. The Varney Auditorium in the Milford Community Building was named in his honor. At the time of his death, Charles E. Varney was survived by his four daughters, a sister and a brother, 14 great grandchildren and one great grandchild. His wife, Maria Gray Draper Varney died in 1960. Charles E. Varney was interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Milford. He was inducted into the Delaware Volunteer Firefighter's Association Hall of Fame.